Camouflage Cookies

With my soon-to-be hubby off playing army I'm always looking for a few ideas for a care package. My Chocolate Chunk Cookies apparently have been a big hit with the soldiers but I wanted to change it up this time. I originally found something similar on Pinterest but it was for a cake.... kind of hard to ship a cake. So I tried to think of a few ways to alter it... and I came up with Camouflage Cookies!
How cute are they?!
Here are my step-by-step instructions

Sugar Cookie mix ~ the mix also called for 1 egg and 1 stick of butter {or 1/2 cup}
Chocolate Cookie mix ~ again 1 egg and 1 stick of butter
Gel Food Die ~ red, yellow and green are needed

Follow the instructions for both the "white" and chocolate cookie mixes. Once they are thoroughly mixed, divide your white mix into thirds and separate each 3rd into it's own bowl. Now comes the fun part.... or frustrating if you are not good at mixing colors.
The chocolate cookies came with sprinkles, I just left those out
Leave one third of the white mix alone. This will become your tan. Of course for the green I just added my green dye. But the color turned out to be more of a Christmas green rather than an Army green. So I added some yellow and a tad bit of red to dirty it up a little. For the mustard color, I add mostly yellow and then just a little bit of red and green, again just to dirty it up a little.
At first I thought I'd pick a pinch of each color and shape them into a ball before placing on the tray. NOT A GOOD IDEA. This batter sticks to your hands like crazy and I ended up licking washing a lot of batter off my hands. The best method I found was to grab a small amount with a spoon and drop it onto your tray.

Add each of the colors
Obviously you're going to have a ton of the chocolate mix which worked out fine. I thought the cookies looked a little better with an additional clump of chocolate added. I also did not do a good job dividing the white batter so I had quite a bit more green than the other 2 thirds.
Once all of your colors are on the tray, lightly smush them together. Don't worry if they mix and swirl, that's what camouflage looks like! {Don't mix them too much though, otherwise you'll end up with a nasty looking color.}
Once they're ready to go follow the directions for your mixes and place them in the oven. SET YOUR TIMER.... I got distracted Skyping with my honey. Luckily I didn't ruin the batch though.
Tada! You're left with cute Camouflage Cookies
A happy soldier!
 As I mentioned, there was quite a bit of chocolate leftover. So I made a few chocolate cookies for myself!

Linking up on Patriotic Party with Funky Junk Interiors, Mop It Up Monday's with I Should Be Mopping The Floor, Open Call Tuesday with Salt Tree., Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop with Homemaker on a Dime, Wow Us Wednesday with Savvy Southern Style, Primp Your Stuff with Primp Junktion, Penny Pinching Party with The Thrifty Home, Whatever Goes Wednesday with Someday Crafts, Show Me Extraordinary Link Party with The 36th Avenue, Thrifty Thursday with Thrifty Decorating, Friday's Unfolded with Stuff and Nonsense.


  1. Those cookies look delish and I'm sure they taste just as good. The hubz looks so proud. All the best and take care!


  2. These are SO cute! My Air Force daughter will love them! Thanks for your clever ideas -- and willingness to share~

    1. Lara, thank you for stopping by and please tell your daughter thank you for her service. I hope she enjoys them!

  3. Lol I was going to comment on your no-sew curtains (which I loved by the way) and just as I scrolled down far enough to click on comment, I caught a glimpse of your cookies and they made my mouth water. They do look delicious.

    1. I'm not gonna lie.... they are mouthwateringly (if that's a word) DELICIOUS! I think it's the mix of regular sugar cookie with the chocolate mix.

  4. Thank you so much! I love this idea and have never seen it before. Awesome!!!!!

  5. these are super cute
    and i just pinned them

    thanks for sharing
    at Fridays Unfolded!


    1. Thanks Alison. I linked them up to Fridays Unfolded and add your button.

  6. These are the best idea ever!! Love it, I'll for sure be making these for my hubby as well!

  7. Super cool idea for the boys and hubbys! New Linky follower :)
    Found you thru Stuff & Nonsense.

  8. I did hundreds for my sons wedding, but used my cookie gun, mixed 3 shades of camo & loaded alternately in the gun, they came out great !


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