DIY Vertical Herb Garden ~ Part 2

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Refer to Part 1 for a Materials list. Below is a quick sketch of what I had in mind for this Vertical Garden. It's finally all coming together!

I left off from Part 1 with creating the tilted shelves. Before I attached them to the 1x2s I cut out 3 holes to place the pots in. I purchased 6 inch pots {and went with the plastic ones vs clay to save $$$} so I cut my holes just shy of 6", about 5ā…ž inches.

Once I had the first board cut out I used it as a template to cut the other 4 boards. How did I cut them? With a jig saw, free handed it. I was nervous about this step but it was pretty easy once I had a template.
Now it was time to attached them to the 1x2s in the Garden. At this point I wish I would have stained the shelves BEFORE putting them in the Garden though. :( Next time...
I used a few 1x4s and framed in the front, running two 6 foot pieces vertically along the edges and two pieces horizontally across the top and bottom shelves. Looking good! Just for kicks I put the pots inside just to see how things we're looking.
Now, for those pesky squirrels and chipmunks.... I planned to add a screen door! Still allows sunlight and air but hopefully {fingers crossed} it keeps those little buggers out of my herbs! I started by putting together a basic door that fit within the frame of the Garden.
Again, I should have stained the door at this point especially before I attached the screen. And as far as that step goes, I just unroll the screen, cut to size and use a staple gun to attach to the door.
And the door is ready to go! I laid the Garden on it's back to attach the hinges and locks. Yes, lockS, plural. I know those little guys can be sneak so I thought a lock on top and bottom would be better. Overkill... maybe...
I had some hinges on-hand but they were bright gold. The locks I purchased were silver so that wasn't going to work. I laid everything out on a cardboard box. I stuck the screws into the box so the heads sat upright. And then I brought out the spray paint!
Once they were dried I attached them to the Garden and the door frame.
Last step, I was a little concerned about water collecting on my top and bottom shelves. I know I'll have to stain and finish the Garden every year or so to keep it in good shape but I like having it as weather proof as possible.
So I drilled 3 holes in the top shelf {see above} and 3 in the bottom {see below}. The holes at the top align directly over the pots so it's almost self irrigating. :)
 Finally finished!
I was hoping the Garden would be fairly light but that sucker was heavy. We need to clean up our deck a little. Yikes that looks dirty!
 Now I just need a few more herbs. What should I buy to fill in the Vertical Herb Garden?
So far I've purchased:
  • Mint
  • Parsley
  • Basil
  • Cilantro
  • Rosemary
  • Lemon Thyme
Thanks for stopping by!
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***While I'm thrilled to share my step-by-step directions, the good and the bad, these are intended for your personal use. I'm always happy to hear and see what my bloggers have been working on. BUT a lot of work goes into these creations and while I have no issues sharing so you are able to create the work for your precious homes please understand that selling an exact duplication of my designs is highly frowned upon. :( Please always be considerate of another artists work. Thank you!***


  1. I love the design! The shelf look amazing! I just have one concern about its functionality. Will the drainage water of the top plants drip to the plant under? Those drainage water usually filled with dirt that would dirties the plants down under isn't it?

    1. Hi Felix, some dirt will drip down with the water however I've never noticed a ton of dirt falling on the other plants. And of course I wash the herbs off before cooking with them.

  2. How about adding rosemary, lavendar, chives, tarragon, savory, lavendar, dill, marjoram and sweet basil?!!


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