Zoodle "Pasta" Salad ~ Paleo-Friendly

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Where has the summer gone? I can't believe it's already August. The hubby and I have been so busy with side projects {more on those later} I've hardly had time to work on projects. Cooking healthy is always a must though! And this summer I've been craving some pasta salad so I created my own healthy version!

We try to follow a Paleo lifestyle; mainly veggies, healthy fats and meat and for the most part eliminate dairy and wheat. Sometimes we cheat but we try to stay on track. So when I started craving one of our local grocery store's pasta salads I knew I needed to do something or I'd cave.

For the most part I had a good idea of what was in their pasta salad but what to do about those noodles???...... make ZOODLES!!!! I pulled out my handy, dandy vegetable spiral and got to work! {I purchased my Paderno Tri-Blade Spiral Vegetable Slicer on Amazon years ago}
Here's what you need. Keep in mind I just whipped this up so feel free to add more or less of what you like or don't like.

     ~ 2 zucchinis ~ I peeled the skin but feel free to leave it on if you'd like, attach the zucchini to the spiraler {is that a word?} and make zoodles
     ~ Ā½ small onion, diced
     ~ 1 red pepper, diced
     ~ Ā½-1 cup broccoli
     ~ Ā½-1 cup cauliflower
     ~ Ā½-1 cup feta {remove if you want the dish to be Paleo}
     ~ 2 tbsp EVOO
     ~ 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
     ~ 1 tsp fresh basil

Combine all ingredients together and chill before serving. Enjoy!!!

Thanks for stopping by!
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Check out who I've linked up with this week by going to my Linky Party Page!

***While I'm thrilled to share my step-by-step directions, the good and the bad, these are intended for your personal use. I'm always happy to hear and see what my bloggers have been working on. BUT a lot of work goes into these creations and while I have no issues sharing so you are able to create the work for your precious homes please understand that selling an exact duplication of my designs is highly frowned upon. :( Please always be considerate of another artists work. Thank you!***


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