DIY Monogram String Art

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I'm in the middle of finishing up a few furniture projects so I had some free time to work on a quick weekend project. Monogram string art boards! Now they're for sale in my Etsy shop!

Creating the board was fairly simple. I used a few scrap pieces of wood, traced on the letter and outlined it with nails.
 Then I had fun winding the string around each of the nails.
 I added hangers to add to the front door as well.
 But in the end I decided to display it on a table.
This will make a great Mother's Day gift or housewarming gift! Head over to my Shop and message me if you're interested in purchasing something similar. I'll be posting more photos soon!

Thanks for stopping by!
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Check out who I've linked up with this week by going to my Linky Party Page!

***While I'm thrilled to share my step-by-step directions, the good and the bad, these are intended for your personal use. I'm always happy to hear and see what my bloggers have been working on. BUT a lot of work goes into these creations and while I have no issues sharing so you are able to create the work for your precious homes please understand that selling an exact duplication of my designs is highly frowned upon. :( Please always be considerate of another artists work. Thank you!***


  1. You can dust off your crafting skills, too, because I tried it, and it really is simple.

  2. This is so cute and looks very easy! Iā€™m definitely going to try!


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