Crochet Valentine's Day Table Runner

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 Add a little table runner to your Valentine's Day decor!

I found this Love My Valentine Throw pattern at Red Heart. Unfortunately I tend to get bored with patterns so instead of creating a Valentine's Day blanket I simple created a table runner.
Looks great with my Coffee Filter Flower Centerpiece!

Thanks for stopping by!
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***While I'm thrilled to share my step-by-step directions, the good and the bad, these are intended for your personal use. I'm always happy to hear and see what my bloggers have been working on. BUT a lot of work goes into these creations and while I have no issues sharing so you are able to create the work for your precious homes please understand that selling an exact duplication of my designs is highly frowned upon. :( Please always be considerate of another artists work. Thank you!***


  1. This is just what I would love to make for my coffee table, do you have written instructions?

    1. I used the pattern below from Red Heart.

    2. Iā€™m looking for this pattern link canā€™t figure out where it is



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